« on: August 14 2016, 03:38:53 PM »
Here's something I did a few years ago that worked out well. Made the pull straps useful
The problem is that the pull straps are attached with a sheet metal screw right into the upper door bar. If you use them the sheet metal gives and the screw comes loose.

There is a solution. Takes a little work and a nutsert kit.
Nutsert is like a pop rivet that expands in place and gives a solid threaded surface.

Drill the holes out, the hole size is whatever is recommended by the nutsert you're using. Doni't go bigger
Pop the nutsert in the hole and lock it down. Give it a light smack with a ball peen hammer to set the kurls and the thread a bolt into the nutsert to seat the threads firmly

Finish off with a bolt

86 Regal T-type. One Owner. Twisted 6 Racing Built 109, FTSS Revolution X 206/210 Cam, T&D 1.65 Rockers, Diamond Forged Pistons, RJC Power Plate, TA6262DBB, PTE SLIC, Alkycontrol pump and Kit and ISAC Controller, Bailey TR6 Wastespark, TA Headers, ATR Downpipe, Racetronix Walbro pump and hot wire ki