Standard 36” wide x 80” tall - it’s pure insanity. We will either find a contractor or I’ll do the install myself. I’ve done a few - not my favorite thing to do but I can get it done
In other news my daughter and her husband surprised me we my first grandson on February 18th. Lincoln rolled in at 6 pounds 13 ounces. I'm known as GrandBrad. See you guys in the fall. My grandson lives 3 hours north so I'm busy with him, motorcycling and camping. Have a great summer guys. Later!
Jeremy, get a contractor over and get him to take the measurements and then order then from Home Depot etc. Install them yourself. Youtube is your friend. I've worked for a few contractors since I retired and it's easy. Have the contractor come back and do all the flashings. If you have a mitre saw you can do all the inside trim yourself. 24 grand is insanity. I helped a contractor friend install HUGE windows 2 stories up in high wind in late November. We had it done in no time. Get some other estimates if you don't wanna tackle it. That price is whacked.
Yesterday we had a company out to price replacing 3 exterior doors and 2 storm doors. We thought we had prepared ourselves pretty good for how much it was going to be. We weren't even in the ballpark - total was $24k after discounts - fuck that shit!
I think it was a little smaller. One of my younger friends did most of the work. Getting the solenoid reconnected was harder than taking it off. We used a flexible extension to get get the nut back on. We did not have to pry to get the starter back into place
Starter went out on my 2000 Silve rado. Virtually impossible to get it out. Once the bolts were out, the dip stick tube removed, and the wires removed, it took a pry bar to get it past the manifold.
Hey, Jeremy! I made some changes to my site before Mark shut this site down. He then turned it back on and I cannot load anything to it. I sign in and can see my files, but, when I try to update files, it refuses and sets whatever I try to upload to having zero bits in the online existing file. got any ideas?
With all the golf courses seeming to be closing down(three in my local area I can think of off the top of my head) i'm not sure golf carts are at the top of anyone's list for things affected.