Ummmm, you are never to say that again.
And if I quote you than you would be saying it twice...anyone else quotes you and that would be three strikes.
If that happens I'll bestow SuperAdmin powers upon myself. I'll forcefully take your sig, avatar, posts, points, totals, tallys, trinkets and anything else I can think of away from you.
After that, I'll buy the site, pledge to never ban anyone...then ban your ass. Along with RR for posting boobees.
I'll then hire sidekicks, have them post like idiots and act like there everyones buddy while secretly reporting back to me.
Mua hahaha!
I will run off the blood, heart and soul that fuels this site and fill it with wannabees (no connection to boobees unless theres signs of moobies).
I'll act like I rule the TR world only to fall in defeat and become the biggest joke in the WHOLE community...we
ll, next to that guy, ummmmm, whats his name? Joe Catapolta? Ugh, AND the guy that made downpipes, AND that other guy that made downpipes, shit I could go on and on.
Anyways, after my dismal and embarrasing fall from the land of grace, I will land on my friends. They will understand that I'm confused and extreemly closed minded...and forgive me because motherfuckers around here ROCK!!!
BUT, I will forever be remembered....
along with ALL the other bad guys. That my friend, will be my claim to fame. After I quietly fade away, I'll always be remembered.
Bepizzle that!