Ain't that the truth. For Mothers Day my son had son" Mothersday Tea " thing at school and they made the moms place mats. My son drew me in my GN staged against a Mustang at the tree. Should have heard me explain that one to the moms. Then they wrote a poem about their moms. Mine goes like this:
Beautiful, Loving, Nice
Plays, Races, Drives Fast
As Sweet As Ice Cream
By Shawn
The other kids wrote about cooking( I do cook well ) and driving to soccer and baseball and stuff. We know whats important in this house! :supz: Theres allot of rich snobs in our school district and the school sports are so political. They always ask why I don't sign my kids up for the school sports. My reply" The lights at the track don't lie and you cant cheat the light. My kids and I have a blast together and they are learning all the subjects from school at once, math , science, reading,etc. Plus they will be better drivers in the long run!"
If you need any help when you start the Jr. let us know. We would be glad to help anyway possible.