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the log shows it to be running very lean as the boost comes up.When the car is warmed up and sits idling, the O2s should be 780-800 and should be pretty steady rather than bouncing up and down. Is this what you see?
I don't know is the short answer. The first time you start the car, it will not go into a simulated closed loop at idle. Instead, it will be learning the parameters it needs to simulate a closed loop. Here are the comments from Eric's instructions.7. The very first time you start the car with a new chip, the idle may flare up to around 2000rpm.This is common, as the ECM has lost track of the idle air control motor’s position. Simply turn thecar off and wait about 5 seconds, then restart. The idle should return to normal.8. This chip utilizes an open loop idle mode for smoothness (not emissions chips). The first time thecar is run, open loop idle mode will not be enabled. This is to allow the BLM’s to learn quicker.Once the car is warmed up and driven around, the next time the car is started, open loop idle willbe enabled for a smoother idle.9. The car may need to be warmed up and driven around for the ECM to re-learn, in order for it torun its best. Once the car is warmed up (160ºF), most of the learning can be done in about 15minutes of city driving. Open loop idle will not be enabled until the ECM has “learned” and the caris restarted the 2nd time (does not apply to emissions chips).