In the U.S., to date, the reported death rate attributed to Covid 19 is about one for every 600 cases after 15 or 16 months. I suspect that if we normalized the numbers to the usual three or four month flu season, we would see that it is not particularly virulent other than it does not go away after three or four months as the common flu does. Politicians have seized upon the opportunity to extend their power by creating hysteria wherever possible. That rate is about 1/16 of one percent as compared to the Spanish Flu which killed about 5% of the US population which was about 80 times more deadly.
The case of variants seems to vary widely depending upon which doctor or institution is being quoted and the seriousness, or lack thereof, is really difficult to predict or assume other than mutation of viruses is very predictable and sometimes, mutation brings weaker strains, and some times not. Each time someone mentions variants, I read, and the more I read, the less I know as the effects seem to be a bit like long term weather forecasting. Much is based upon the predictor's opinion after observing the behavior of the existing strain and isolated cases of mutations.
Personally, I think the drug companies will be developing annual boosters that build upon forecasts built upon existing, but, insignificant amounts of actual data.
Bill Maher is a "liberal" like most celebs and he strongly believes in liberal causes. On the other hand, I believe that his opinions are based upon the truth as he sees it and he does not follow the official political line of many elected hacks and their supporters. He actually believes what he professes to believe unlike most of elected officials who will say anything to increase their personal power and riches as well as the longevity of their reign.