What the hell?!?!?!?! Ebay has lost there damn mind lately. I sold a 15# vacuum brake conversion kit and noticed one day, they chanced it to a small flat rate box. Actual postage cost me something like $40 and I got to collect $6 (that ebay keeps 10%).
Those rocker buttons are supposed to be $4.50 shipping no matter what the quantity and that's what it shows on my end. Ebay knows what they weight and they looks to be gouging the crap out of international buyers.
That ended today though. I fired paypal for their stupid ass ''we keep the 3% when you give refunds'' policy. When eBay collects the money, they kill off global shipping.
I had two people 'rent' vac brake conversions kits from me back to back, and it turns out the CSRs say it point blank cannot be refunded... a manager can do it in about 5 seconds (after you jump through all the BS to get one on the phone without 'getting cut off').
They've lost their mind if they think I'm going to pay them over $20 just to kick me when I'm down. ESP when my kits come back missing parts.
I'm about ready to fire eBay to. I dig helping people out and seeing stuff I built on peoples cars, but I'm about tired of paying for it. I need to get off my ass and teachmyself how to build earlbrownracin g.com and be done with all of them.