Pull the connector off the blower relay. It's the relay that has an orange wire, a red wire, a dark blue wire, a black wire, and a purple wire going to it.
Now, with the key Off or ON, you should have power on the red wire at all times when you probe the connector side that it goes to. That's because it comes from a fusible link that connects to the starter with all the other fusible links. Check it with your meter or a test light. If you do not have power there, then you have a blown fusible link.
If it does have power, be sure the key is ON in the run position and probe the the orange wire in the same connector. It should show 12 volts on your meter or make the test light burn brightly. If it does not have power, go to the connector I have been trying to get you to check for way too long
Normally it will have a burnt connection on the orange wire in the connection. There is not much room to get to the connector but you will have to do it. Look at the picture below. It shows the location of the connector. Those bolts are the hood hinge bolts. It goes down in the inner fender right below and is in plain sight.