Unfortunately, my boost logging doesn't work since I removed my boost/tach module to get it rebuilt.... and I haven't hooked up my FP transducer yet...
My engine is a 4.2L with a little over 9:1 static, max ported 8445s with O/S valves, 215/220 roller, GT3255, and an extender chip on 93 with 19/17*.
PL is with a PLX wideband.
First pass is tuner style with the wastegate backed off as far as it will go. (about 5ps when I'm forced to let off, I think) What's odd is that .7* is LOUD AS HOLY HELL. It literally sounds like drunk gnomes with hammers and marbles under my hood. I suspected the knock circuit wasn't reading right but it works fine...
#2. So I popped the wastgate arm loose. It makes right at 2PSI at the top of second The knock readings not parrallel what I expect to see and hear with that amount of knock. No freaking idea why PL shows .7 when you can hare it in the next county.
#3. I upped the BLM adjust to 13 (of 18) to see what putting the BLMs closer to 128 would do. (since high compression likes more fuel it makes seance. ESP with my extra cubes and flow)
#4 Seemed to be the right direction, so I set the BLM adjust to 18.
#5 Made two changes at once. Maxed out the LoGear fuel and got rid of the default +2* 1st/2nd ignition advance. It was SOGGY as hell driving to my turnaround spot then flooring it.
#6 Same as above. but much less soggy than #5. Still soggy and still knocking at @2PSI. Honestly, I don't think I'm knocking from cylinder pressure. I think I increased my burn rate and I'm just lighting the spark too soon.
I spend a lot of time with my piston engineer when I was designing my pistons. He mentioned that he like his inverted domes to require as little advance as possible. I agreed. From the passes I made today it would appear that I've just increased the efficiency of my engine 'too much' and tuned myself right out of my chips' window.
What I do know. It started out lean as hell and adding fuel brought my numbers closer to where it's a good starting point to find 'the magic number'. Pulling timing <i>seemed</i> to help, but without a way to pull it until I see a difference, that's speculation.
I'm am surprised that I can knock the 295's loose without boost. That's one stout N/A V6 with a cork in the exhaust