I think once one realizes that we are not dealing with magic and that logic and commonsense are what drives the process, it starts coming to us and things get easier.
The Buick world has always been a small pond with some really nice guys in it, but, it seems as soon as we get rid of one jackass, another arises to take his place. Guys seem to proclaim themselves gurus and begin to turn into said jackasses with success. Internet marketing has created a lot of the problem. Given the smallness of the market, the Highlander mentality drives some and as a result they do their best to slander every other competitor because it's hard to make a living fishing a small pond. I think some of these guys are borderline psychopaths and I wonder what pills they are taking them that causes this

There are still a few guys active that are from the old days. I saw you mention Ken White somewhere. I never met him but I recall him as a really nice guy. We need more like him.
Body bushings can really make a difference and they do stiffen up the frame by allowing less flex. Probably easier than boxing it