Author Topic: Ever been scared dizzy?  (Read 9324 times)

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Ever been scared dizzy?
« Reply #15 on: April 13 2006, 12:37:01 PM »
Quote from: "87natty @ Wed Apr 12, 2006 11:55 pm"
All your stories, damn. I want to go to this town now Sylvan. I don't even know what to say. Wow.
For hours of desert wasteland north of Vegas and you're there! lol

Jeez, Rob- you story just ruined my day. That's awful.....I get the feeling that guy was really cool. And I never thought about how lions are knocturnal. I wont soon forget that. lol

Offline Be4u

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Re: Ever been scared dizzy?
« Reply #16 on: April 13 2006, 12:44:01 PM »
I never have and weird shit like that happen to me. Maybe one day...
Save the bumper fillers!
Move to Canadia!

Offline Recklessrob

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Re: Ever been scared dizzy?
« Reply #17 on: April 13 2006, 01:04:04 PM »
Quote from: "Be4u @ Thu Apr 13, 2006 11:44 am"
I never have and weird shit like that happen to me. Maybe one day...
You've probably had
all sorts of stuff happen, but you just didn't see the subtle signs.

I've had other weird things happen too, but not as weird as that.
One of the bands I played in while I was in my early 20's had a
bizarre experience that I'll share later...

Offline TSM Girl

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Re: Ever been scared dizzy?
« Reply #18 on: April 13 2006, 02:00:19 PM »
Very interesting. Well, now that I am scared shittless thankyou...if it is true or not....Bryan watches about that stuff on the History Channel or something, it seems interesting but I freak out at that......It would be cool to see that, but, I dont have that big of balls....I mean guts...(dont want to offend)

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Offline ledzeppac

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Ever been scared dizzy?
« Reply #19 on: April 13 2006, 03:05:07 PM »
More stories more stories....

I have always wanted something super scary happen to me...

Offline Recklessrob

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Ever been scared dizzy?
« Reply #20 on: April 13 2006, 11:19:41 PM »
Quote from: "ledzeppac @ Thu Apr 13, 2006 2:05 pm"
More stories more stories....

I have always wanted something super scary happen to me...

Look in the mirror ! Muh ha ha ha ha!

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Ever been scared dizzy?
« Reply #21 on: April 13 2006, 11:51:15 PM »
That was weak Rob! I know you can do better.
My 1958 Mamiya can beat up whatever camera you just wasted your money on.

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Re: Ever been scared dizzy?
« Reply #22 on: April 13 2006, 11:59:50 PM »
When I was in my early 20's, I used to play in this band.
(mostly cover tunes, but a few originals too)The band
consisted of five people:
Mike Ianuzzi - lead vocals
John Estes - Bass
Don SanAntonio - Drums
Jim Matthews - Rhythm Guitar
and I played lead guitar. (not that you guys would
know any of these people)
We used to practice in the basement of Jim's house. Jim was
a cool shit, but he had this girlfriend that was completely
wacked ! I think her name was Jen? She only wore black
clothes. Never any other colors that I saw. She also drove
an old Chrysler product. I never got a look at it, but I think
it was a Charger or Road Runner.It was black of course. I
only knew about it from what the other guys in the band had told me.

Sometimes she'd go to our practices to watch, but she wouldn't
ever say more than a few words to any of us. A few weeks later, Jim
confidentially tells us that she hates Mike and me. She wouldn't
tell him why either. So we're like "OK, no sweat off of our balls."
After that, she'd only give us dirty looks at practice. And, we
really didn't let it bother us.

About a month later John comes to practice, and tells us
that he found us a gig playing at a party being held by
a couple of girls that he works with. We were like"cool,
lets do it !" So we practiced some more to be ready for the gig.

A few nights before the gig, Jen gives Jim this necklace with an
oblisk looking crystal on it. We didn't even notice it at the time.
Before the gig, Jim tells us some more about Jen. He explains
that she's into witchcraft and stuff, and that she gave him the
necklace for good luck.So Mike decides to try a little
experiment. In our jam room, there was a bed with drawers
under it that people would use for a couch when they'd come over.
Mike found this big crucifix that he decided to place in one of the drawers,
without telling anyone. Jen used to sit on the bed whenever she came over,
but not this time. Jim asked her why she wasn't sitting on the bed,
and she said she didn't want to. So instead she sat on the floor.
 The day of the gig arrived, and we showed up only to find out it was in a cottage!
There was barely enough room for our equipment, nevermind a party.
We were bumping elbows just trying to play. Jen had stayed home,
because she didn't want to go. Come to find out the two girls John
worked with, were older. Like late  30's and early 40's. Jim was the
youngest in the band at the time. I think he was like 17 or so.
Well the younger of the two chicks had eyes for Jim. She was all over
him like a fat chick tackling a pizza. Although she wasn't fat, and Jim wasn't pizza.

To be continued...

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Re: Ever been scared dizzy?
« Reply #23 on: April 14 2006, 12:35:38 AM »

She was ready to ride him for the rodeo trophy! But Jim
couldn't bring himself to do it, until he took off the necklace.
From that point, some of the most bizarre sights I have ever
seen in my life unfolded before my eyes. :bigeyes;
The two of them went into the bedroom next to the living room
that we were playing in. But thats not all. A couple of the guys
from the band and some people that were at the party followed
them in there, and started to cheer them on like it was a football
game or something. I wasn't sure at the time what was going on,
so I stuck my head though the door only to see her humping
away on him. That was just too strange for me, so I went back into
the living room with the drummer and his girlfriend. The drummers
girlfriend had just become a born again Christian (But not a total
pude either). You could see that she was uncomfortable with the
situation. I think we were all uncomfortable with it, just not to the degree
that she was. Some time had passed and everybody came out of the bedroom,
including the enterage. We packed up our equipment and went home.

The next day, Jen calls Jim almost yelling at him, demanding to know
what happened. The thing is that she didn't know anyone there, and those
that were there who knew her didn't talk to her.  It was like she knew without anyone telling her. All Jim would tell her was that it was really bad. And
not to mess around with crystals any more. All that did, was infuriate her,
and prompt her to ask more questions. But amongst all this, she revealled that
the crystal was intended to provide protection and no good luck as she had
originally said. I told Jim, that I thought he'd be best off to destroy it. I don't
know why I told him that. I guess it was purely gut feeling.
I think he did end up smashing it and breaking up with her. Later on he
told us that she hated me even more than Mike. We eventually figured that
was because Mike was a Christian, and I had some religious convictions too.
Keep in mind that we didn't take it to exteres either. We used to dirnk and party
like everyone else. Mike was even one of the spectators ! Another thing
that may have bothered her was that I was born on Friday the 13th.
Coincidently, my birthday falls on Friday every 11 years. While we were
at Jim's house, his mom threw a 22nd surprize birthday party for me!
Guess what ? It was on Friday the 13th !

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Re: Ever been scared dizzy?
« Reply #24 on: April 14 2006, 09:16:18 AM »
The only thing I can share is getting Married on Friday the 13th! Everyone was telling us not to do it because it is a bad luck day, so to make everyone freaked out we decided to get married on that day.  Ok, thats my scarry

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Re: Ever been scared dizzy?
« Reply #25 on: April 14 2006, 01:47:12 PM »
Rob's story has given me that "icky all over" feeling.

Offline PCP_58

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Re: Ever been scared dizzy?
« Reply #26 on: April 14 2006, 06:04:59 PM »
To reply to what BE4U said before, there is an old unused hospital in houlka...

Now for a couple of Mississippi's Ghost Stories....(recommended reading 13 ghosts of mississippi and its sequel)

The first is about an abandoned church that is about 5 minutes away from my house:(I have no personal experience with it because that kind of shit freaks me out so all of this is hearsay)

First I need to tell you about where I live.  Houston, MS is a town of about 3,000 on a good day, pretty much all Protestant Christian and about 70 percent black.  The community where this takes place is Thorn, where the agriculture from Houston is located, the population is probably 95% white, 4% hispanic (farm workers), and 1% black.  This place pushes the term redneck to the max.  Most of the people who live out there live in mobile homes, and are borderline white trash, but still mostly Christian.  

Now on to the story, there is an old Baptist church in Thorn that is supposedly haunted.  Sometime during the first half of the century, the building was abandoned and fell into disrepair.  No one entered the building for decades, and the door was never seen open.  I guess one day somebody decided to enter it (probably some young person on a dare) and after prying the door open found evidence that Satanic worship was going on in the church.  Evidently books pertaining to it and symbols etched into the walls had gotten in there some way.  Anyway, the people who go in this church say that upon entering a weird feeling seems to overcome them, most likely fear, and they begin to hear strange noises.  One person I talked to claimed to have heard several voices chanting different incantations or talking in tongues and a "singing" voice.  As I've said I have no personal experience with this, but I do believe something out of the ordinary has happened at the church.  I cannot explain what but I have the feeling that something is wrong and I get an eery feeling every time I see the church, it just feels like ice running through my veins whenever i see it.  (P.S. this story has nothing to do with my religion at all, and though i am a christian i realize everybody has their own take on life and no amount of discussion will lead them otherwise, so i guess im saying i dont want to spur a big discussion or any contreversy...)

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Ever been scared dizzy?
« Reply #27 on: April 14 2006, 06:13:27 PM »
More to come later....


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Re: Ever been scared dizzy?
« Reply #28 on: April 14 2006, 06:37:25 PM »
A few years ago when I first moved to New Mexico I was in Santa Fe. The only way that I could get internet access to check my email was at the library. One day there was a wait of about 30 minutes, so to kill some time I was looking for a book to thumb through. I found a book about haunted places along Route 66 and, naturally, went straight to the NM chapter. I read about La Posada, an upscale inn just off of the Santa Fe plaza. It was built way back when by a wealthy German family as a single family home. The youngest of their children died and the mother was so grief stricken that she spent the rest of her life (which ended up not being but another year or so) in a spare bedroom on the second floor. She actually died in that room. Years later, the property was sold and turned into an upscale hotel which it still is today. The room that she wasted away and died in ended up being just another room at the hotel and it is reported that to date precious few people have ever lasted the entire night in there. Having read that, I decided 'fuck the library, I'll come back later' because the address given was about two blocks from there and I wanted to go see the place. It was only a couple of minutes past noon, so the bar had just opened and no one was in there. I went in and ordered a Coors light and a Jager and when the bartender gave them to me I tipped him ten bucks to sort of grease the wheels and see if he wouldn't decide to talk to me a little bit about 'the room'. Upon my merely mentioning the room, he says "Hold on..." and walks right out of the bar. I wasn't sure what was wrong, but the guy came back a moment later dangling a key and said "You're in luck- the room is vacant. C'mon." We went upstairs and he showed me the room. Naturally, nothing out of the ordinary took place in the 5 minutes we were in there, but it was cool to have seen. La Posada is one of the more notable hauntings and so I consider it a bit more likely to be true. It's taken me a couple of years, but I've finally talked the wife into staying there some night soon and I guess her brother want to go too, so we'll have an all-nighter to spend there just hoping to see or hear something. I'll have the video camera set up all night. Mostly, people report cold spots in the room, the blankets being torn off them at night (but I wont be sleeping) and the bath water coming on repeatedly.... I look forward to it. A portrait of the lady still hangs in the lobby.


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Re: Ever been scared dizzy?
« Reply #29 on: April 15 2006, 12:05:39 AM »
This is one cool thread.  :supz:


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