Not a whole lot to tell. The drive there was nice, as always. I was dead center-up against the stage, so he was *literally* 2 feet in front of me....I could have reached forward and messed him up. It was like my own personal show. Pretty badass. Here's what I posted on the Bucketboard about the back alley ambush:
"So who here were the folks that said B is really good about doing autographs? Back in November I drove 6 hours each way to see him in Flagstaff and he had shot out the back door before anyone had a chance to get back there. For last night's Flagstaff show, I again drove 6 hours each way and stayed in some crappy motel around the corner from the venue....havin g learned my lesson last time, I looked at the set list and when I knew the show was getting ready to be over, I went out back and listened to the remainder through the alley door. When the show was over there were about 4 or 5 of us back there and when B, Delray and Pinchface came flying out the back door they acted as if they didn't even see us....I mean, they almost brushed me when they walked by but didn't even acknowledge us standing there. Except for Pinchface, who was shouting his trademark unintelligible s....I could see B in the van waving to Pinchface in a ''shut up and drive'' manner. I was actually pretty ticked off about that last night.
On the up side, The Elephant Man's Alarm Clock rocks!"
I got two "tour only" CDs and a pretty rad B shirt. I stayed at the same shitty motel, only my room was even smaller and shittier this time. Overall, a good experience. Y'know, he's such an awesome guitarist that just to watch him up close like I did from 24 inches away can make you a better player for having seen his technique.