When are we in America going to get back to making our own stuff. Now that the unemployment rate is so high, unions don't seem to influence as much, and too much of the stuff we buy from overseas is junk, can't we start making our own "stuff" again. Come on, tires made in Korea?? It doesn't appear to be a level playing field: foreign labor costs lower, environmental standards slacking, tax breaks for big biz. The specs that are part of the original bids are usually side stepped and those evils don't show up until months or years later. When are we gonna wake up. America=jobless, imports=golden egg. Every time I open a box that's printed Made in China, Portugal, Indonesia, Korea or whatever, I would just love to send it back. We can all shrug our shoulders and say: that's the way it is. If we indeed do that, we will relinquish our status of Superpower of the world. If that happens, whose shoulder will everybody cry on when the next Tsunami, earthquake, crazed dictator, or volcano hits. I'm sorry, but we have enough crisis at home, and we are slowly barely able to afford them. What really pisses me off is that I am just as much to blame as everybody else. I chose to by a Yamaha Warrior, Honda 3813 riding mower, Honda generator, and get this, a John Deere riding mower. John Deere WTF?
Kawasaki engine. So, are we just screwed or what? Health care and being employed by the Government seems to be our future.