I may find some time to plug mine in and play it...
Remember the old addage about "Bros before Hoes"? Well, I need to come up with one about the way you're neglecting you poor guitar....
Strings before other things.......S
trum and sit before other shit......Ther
e'll be time to diddle after the fiddle.....Roo
t-fifth before 80 proof fifth.....Get it in tune before the end of fucking June....Tits AFTER frets are your best bets....I'd rather be palm muting than go out shooting....I'll play my guitah THEN work on my cah....An afternoon plucking is better than fucking....I'll bang on the chords whenever I'm bored...What beats legato? Hell if I know!....It's a beautiful day so get me my capo....
Jay-Z has got nothing on me! (Hey, even THAT rhymed!)