I have no explanation for the musings of others except to say that some people just need to look smart.
I get what you are saying, you ask a simple question and they need to put you through the inquisition like they know everything. It's more about them trying to look like a genius and less about getting you the simple answer.
One of the Bulletin Boards is more guilty of this than the others. You can ask a question like, "Did all the '87 GNs only come in black?" You will get 52 replies from people upping their post counts. :jerkit;
I mean, like their number of posts makes them smarter or something. I view Bulletin Boards a lot like hot rod magazines. They recycle the same information about every 8-10 months, nothing really new. :rolleyes:
<Geez, I guess I have an opinion on this> :rofl;
Cripes, I better lay off the weapons grade vodka before logging on! :rofl; :supz: