No, it's currently in 'can move under it's own power' mode. I can't stop working on it until it's in 'right' mode.
All the headlights have went dim from sitting. I guess all the halogen leaked out so I can barely see at night... got a new dust covered H4 kit sitting here....
I can't stop powdery mold from appearing on the dash, steering wheel, and console so I'm not really thrilled about driving it if the windows can't be down. I'm not going to get physically sick over this damn thing.
The list of silly shit is actually pretty long.
Honestly when I look back all the work I have done it's pretty amazing how much I have gotten done. Building 3 engines (hence the 'earlbrown' forged pistons), wheel bearings, rotors, brakes, SS lines,tires, vac conversion, gas tank, designing an new rear frame brace, (making kits for bearing jobs and vac conversion jobs and SS brake line jobs and rear frame braces....),
Anything less than 100% is NOT 100%. I'm not at 100% yet. Not whining or crying, that's just what I have waiting on me. And it's a long ass list. ..that keeps getting longer. I haven't en lazy It's just been more damage that I can knock out in a weekend.