Normally, on Saturday, me and the boys congregate at my bud Pat's house - with great ambitions to get shit done. Alas, we usually start cracking beers, and end up sitting on our azzes drinking beer. :drinkers:
I've always had an issue with my ignition lock cylinder. After you start the car - you needed to gently push it in, then rotate it backwards slightly to get it into the "RUN" position.
Didn't really bother me too much, I considered it a form of ghetto anti-theft.
Then I noticed this week that you no longer needed a key to turn the ignition! :smt119
On top of that - the steering column in this car has always been a piece of shit - had the 1/2" up/down movement (loose tilt mech), and the turn signal action was sloppy at best. (Kinda like DCEPTCN's ass)
I had a column stashed I scored on Ebay about 2 years ago for $80.00. Only problem is - the guy disassembled it prior to shipping. The turn signal section was removed, wires and all. I had a spare lock cylinder, and after noticing it too was defective, I grabbed a brand new lock cylinder from Advanced Auto, nice new black cylinder for $14.99. I love these domestic cars. The bonus is that the column looked pretty much new - it was a painted black unit - paint matched my burgundy interior perfectly. It also has a kewl black turn signal stalk - looks killer with the new black lock cylinder. I didn't install the very bottom section of the new column, I used the installed bottom section. I may Ebay the replacement columns lower section - it's MINT, the rubber cover over the upper joint is perfect. (Hell, I'm gonna Ebay ALL the left over parts.
After assembling it three times, I finally got it right. Maybe I should do a FAQ on assembling these bitches. Note: the lock plate is KEYED! :smt093
I had also ordered a new speedo cable, the one-piece unit that's available from GM (All of $22.00). I had already replaced the current one before, (a used stock 2-piece unit), and the needle was still bobbing and weaving at speed, giving the cruise control fits when trying to maintain highway speeds. It was also noisy at low speeds, but that didn't bother me too much - I usually have the stereo cranked. (DCEPTCN - you don't want to know what I listen too.
Wasn't too hard to replace - but while it's BETTER, the goddamn needle still is completely stable - but better. Maybe it will relax as it gets broken it.
I also had a nice burgundy steering wheel I have had stashed, the one on the car was finally shredding at the top, and installed easily.
Sooo.. Overall - I have a rock solid steering column, damn near new steering wheel, and a much better behaved speedometer needle., AND pounded quite a few beers (There was some Crown Royal involved too)..
Life is good. !