Back when I was about 15-16 or so, me and some of my buddies had some bottle rockets. We were lighting them off, but we were lighting them lying on the ground (the bottle rockets, not us) and shooting them through a parking lot were there was a bar.
So this old drunk gets gets in his beat up old ford pick up and starts out of the lot. We light off a rocket and it veers off and heads for the old man's truck (about 30 yards away). The rocket gets to the truck and takes a sudden right turn into the cab through the left window. It hits the closed passenger window and explodes.
The cab is now filled with smoke!
We run up to the truck and see if the old drunk man is okay. He muddles a few unintelligible words and drives off with the most befuddled look on his face!
Funniest thing ever in my life. Ask me to tell this story next time you guys see me.