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Offline Recklessrob

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Sharpton Jackson and Imus
« Reply #30 on: April 15 2007, 08:51:06 PM »
Quote from: "Be4u @ Sun Apr 15, 2007 7:27 pm"
Y'all are nuts. Most want racism to end. But we continue to use the words. That dont make since. Racism will never die. Condoning someone else using the words is nuts too. Anyone can say whatever they want, as many times as they want, but if your going to say that racist words are wrong, you shouldnt use them yourself.

I'm going to stand my ground but I'm done talking about it. I know what I see and I dont like problem.

Maybe I get out too much and have contact with too many people. Today I had Jewish, white and Indian people at my table at one time. Everyone got along, high fivin' and shit. Life was good! The Jewish guys tipped me well, as did the Indian. So much for the myth the old guys are passing down to us. Jewish dont seem cheap to me.

Most of your observations are correct. But you missed my point. I'm not sure
if I can explain it better. (thinking)

Offline Ttype83

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Sharpton Jackson and Imus
« Reply #31 on: April 15 2007, 09:06:51 PM »
Quote from: "Recklessrob @ Sun Apr 15, 2007 7:51 pm"
Most of your observations are correct. But you missed my point. I'm not sure
if I can explain it better. (thinking)

Oh no Robert his head is going to explode .. I can see the smoke raising from here
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Offline Be4u

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Sharpton Jackson and Imus
« Reply #32 on: April 15 2007, 09:33:36 PM »
This is going to be cool! Rob, set up the video camera!
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Offline Wrecked Em

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Re: Sharpton Jackson and Imus
« Reply #33 on: April 16 2007, 12:38:04 AM »
I am only offended by the foul odor eminating from hygiene-lacking individuals.

Oh, and yellow M&Ms.

Offline straycat990

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Sharpton Jackson and Imus
« Reply #34 on: April 16 2007, 10:23:28 AM »
Well said RR, I totally agree with you.  The entire business of certain words being off limits because they may offend someone is total ridiculous.  To take this point to an extreme example ... supposed we (as the people of the world) decide that any word that a single person finds offensive shall be removed from all languages spoken.  I would then guess that we would have to revert back to drawing pictures to get a point across and even then someone would be offended by the drawing.  

Robert, I understand and agree with you that racism should end, but it will never happen. Sorry, as much as it would be wonderful if it did. The only way it could ever end is if everyone in the world looked at themselves as being in the same group and that just isn't going to happen.  

Personally I wish the black community would quit putting up their own barriers.  I mean look at it .. NAACP, United Negro college fund and  Colleges that are all black just to name a couple of ways they choose to separate themselves from the rest of society.  Maybe I am in left field on this, but damn ... I have yet to hear of the United Asian/ Caucasian/ Mongolian/ Latino/ Arab College fund or any colleges for just those groups.  

In closing .."we" are not the problem;  "everyone" is the problem. Until everyone quits giving words more power than they should have there will be idiots using them in ways to incite people.  Call me a honky, cracker, white boy, even a brand me with the racist label ... see if I give a rats ass about it. It's just words and in the end how did what anyone of you that would call me any of those names affect me personally?  I will tell you ... you had no effect on my life ...but you might have just made yourself look like a piece of trash to the rest of the world.  


PS  On the little small patch of Terra firma that I reside ... nappy is used on a daily basis. It is used to describe a person's hair. Generally it is used by women to describe their hair or another's when they are having a "bad" hair day.  The word has no race prescribed to it.  So that being said ... it makes me wonder why some immediately consider it a "racist" word?  Maybe those that do consider it a racist word, see how and think that it applies to their race. That it describes something about their race that they do not like.  Who Knows?  But, to me that is a plausible explanation of why "nappy" is a supposed "racist" word.

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Re: Sharpton Jackson and Imus
« Reply #35 on: April 16 2007, 02:04:26 PM »
I think it all sucks.     I am from Chicago, and I HATE Jessie Jackson, I would rather be called "Babe" then talk about him.  I am sure that is all Jessie Jackson wants is for everyone talk about him.

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Re: Sharpton Jackson and Imus
« Reply #36 on: April 16 2007, 02:27:12 PM »
I think this can sum it up......

Offline TSM Girl

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Re: Sharpton Jackson and Imus
« Reply #37 on: April 16 2007, 04:40:32 PM »
I had a feeling you were going to post that.

"Stupid people should NOT breed!"

Offline Be4u

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Sharpton Jackson and Imus
« Reply #38 on: April 16 2007, 09:10:51 PM »
I know people can change and stop labeling people. It takes time but it's possible. Parents have standards when it comes to cuss words and their kids. I think parents should include racist words as well. But dont make an issue about it...just keep the words away from their kids. Racist words are really the BAD words.

Imus learned his lesson. Now he's jobless too. And he didnt even use a REAL racist word. People are too sensitive. I can see the womens rights groups getting pissed. Not a few black people who turn it into a big thing.

Sundog, your right, there is a hair style called "nappy look" or something. Some chicks are hot when they sport it! As far as people being ere like that guy in the commercial "Dan, you sit there and worry about everyone trying to screw you over".

Black people are raised thinking that people are putting them down. They have full right too. Older generations are ruined. Younger generations of all races need to move on with our lives and stop draging the past with us. It's up to the parents of ALL races to help them move on. Blacks need to try just as hard as the whites.
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Offline Recklessrob

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Re: Sharpton Jackson and Imus
« Reply #39 on: April 21 2007, 02:05:30 AM »
One of my neighbors had just written this, and sent it to me in an e-mail.
Once Again, The radical left, the politically correct wing of society, proves it's hypocrisy.
First of all, let me make a comment about "Politically Correct". Politically correct is a buzz word for today's liberal element...espe cially the ultra liberal. It is a punch line. It is as empty as the loud ranting freaks that proclaim it. It essentially means pandering to special interest groups just because, and being oblivious to justice. As a  Christian man, I much prefer to strive to be "Morally Correct", although I admit I often fail miserably. However, the two phrases are very different in meaning.
Two news breaking issues just happened recently. 1.) the buffoonery of the "Imus" comments on the female basketball team, 2.) the duke rape case being it should have been a long time ago.
 Here is what has happened. Here in lies the total inconsistency of our country at this point of it's history and the shockingly amoral mentality of the extreme left. Let me also put in this disclaimer that this e-mail is NOT an E-mail proclaiming Blacks against Whites, or vice versa. That battle line has unfortunetly been formed by the ultra left wing bunch...IE: Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Oprah Winfrey just to name a few. These extreme left wingers act as though they represent ALL of the African Americans in this country, and that is simply not true. There are very many highly respectable African American colleagues I work with who simply have no use for the the characters I have mentioned.
I have never really been a fan of Imus. I do know that he has done much for young children.
he made a stupid comment. So now, Mr. "Civil" rights Al sharpton, in the name of "liberty" and fairness made sure he was fired and made the biggest deal out of the situation.
Keep in mind this is the SAME character who all but wanted to tar and feather the 3 young men charged in the rape case last year.
 That case should have NEVER went to court. there was absolutely NO evidence and yet on the simple word of a patholigical liar , and a stripper ( whom the liberal media coined as an "exotic dancer!" ) 3 young men almost had their lives destroyed and will be affected by this for the rest of their lives. Where is Mr. Sharpton NOW since he and the rest of the "Secular Progressives" got it wrong ...very wrong! Where is Al now defending the "rights" of the three young men who had to endure a year's worth of BS and have their families nearly financially runied by this escapade?
 The Liberal media couldn't wait to say how "mentally stressed" the young girl's were due to Imus's comments. Mentally stressed? How about the mental stress of the three men and their families not knowing if they were going to do time for a false accusation of one of the worst crimes in this country.....ra pe! How about that "stress" Mr. Sharpton! How about their "Civil rights".
There is, of course, the other issue of the hypocrisy of Mr. Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Oprah and the like when they refuse to chastise the African American Rappers who daily undermine their own race with disgusting comments about women. It's ok when the rappers use sexist racist words, but not when anyone does.
 The Bottom line is, If you are Hypocrit, like Mr. Sharpton,. Jesse Jackson, and many other spindoctors of the far left, your credibility is gone. Even if you are at a given time fighting for a just cause, the fact that you are not consistent and are obviously agenda driven destroys any credibilty to anything you have to say.

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Re: Sharpton Jackson and Imus
« Reply #40 on: April 21 2007, 08:20:16 PM »

ok i just looked at this thread afew posts up. but my opinon on racism is... I HATE EVERYONE EQUALLY! noone is singled out in my book unless u stand out (aka STUPID PEOPLE). but thats ur own stupidity... so stop makin ecuses, im from the south (middle GA), and everyone thinks im racist. and the fact is, im not racist, i have no problem with blacks or indians, mexicans, or even arabs. but when u make urself into an ass, ima let u know. also im not much for change, and if ur tryin to push somthin on me... its not gonna happen. stubburn redneck would definitly fit my personality. and when i say push somthin on me im refering mostly to drugs in my neighborhood, trash into my neighborhood (or town).

u always hear how bad the "hood" is... well guess what, u made it that way. because u know those old people in those "nice" neighbor hoods... they made an effert to take 5 minutes to pick up that trash, mow their lawn, help their neighbors, and if somthing goes wrong THEY CALL THE COPS. i dunno about anywhere else but here latly i havent been seeing so many white neighborhoods (aka the good ones per-say) because they are finally getting mixed. these thugs that are all around town and claim their life is so hard are a bunch of pussys who's parents needed to kick their ass and make them apply their selves at school. cause their aint to excuse for not going to college and makin somthin of urself. TECH SCHOOL IS FUCKIN FREE IN GA. yea free, just dont go in their expecting the world to kiss ur ass. work for it. i have seen too many people drop out cause the teacher dident like them...
gues what, the real world dont like ya either, and it dont get any easier.

my parents let me flunk outta school, let me go as i pleased unpunished cause i talked my way out of it with the BS lies i thought up. well lies will only get u so far (unless ur a loyar) in life. im 19 im living on my own and i am workin my ass off for my GED cause the public school thing "wasent my style". wow im an idiot... too late to go back now though so im doing the alternat route. if u thinku have no other choice in life... the marines will take u feed u, and make somthing of u. but only if u try. these homless guys... yea some of them might have a slighly reasonable excuse for being that way, but most of them, needed to be kicked in the ass at a young age and be forced to apply their selves and make a living. always have a back up plan. and if all else fails... JOIN THE MARINES, they will make u somthing.

so to tie this in with my racism rant, noone owes anyone anything, noone is being outcast anymore... ur doing it to ur self. so get a fuckin job and live life.... u only get to do it once.
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Re: Sharpton Jackson and Imus
« Reply #41 on: April 22 2007, 01:11:28 AM »
Good point.  :supz:

Offline Turbogn86

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Sharpton Jackson and Imus
« Reply #42 on: April 23 2007, 09:39:57 PM »
i guess we lost intrest in this thread... lol
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Re: Sharpton Jackson and Imus
« Reply #43 on: April 24 2007, 04:18:39 AM »
I also just read a few posts so I dont know if this was brought up but I think they got so bent out of shape because he singled out a group of individuals (the rutgers girls).  Causing embarrasment for them but I think its dumb how he gets fired for that but those Phelps people can protest soldiers funerals which is much worse.

Offline Recklessrob

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Re: Sharpton Jackson and Imus
« Reply #44 on: April 24 2007, 06:02:37 AM »
Quote from: "Doober @ Tue Apr 24, 2007 3:18 am"
but those Phelps people can protest soldiers funerals which is much worse.
Thats how the Patriot Guard got started.


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