General Buick Tech / Re: GBODY PARTS....
« on: March 17 2014, 03:54:58 PM »
theres a couple of shitty tr vendors. but as stated its bc of vendor protection they dance around issues. i wonder when ppl pay for tb.com new private access will they become protected against a shitty vendor? that would be more than interesting to see i have found hartline to be a solid vendor so i stick w them. like i told a vendor over there ill buy a whole car b4 i buy that same $5 part from them. i am shocked how those vendors stay in business. when i saw world of motor works donating to nastys car i thought to myself good luck on free parts bc he doesn't ship parts that were paid for lollol. Champion is actually becoming a shitty vendor. still waiting for parts since october! he sent heads b4 sending rockers and studs,things that would be stockable. agh soon ill be done w build and can bitch next year about the same assholes and hopefully not new ones.