IHADAV8 Playground / Charlie's memorial service
« on: November 07 2016, 01:17:08 AM »
Just figured I'd post this here. I don't really post or keep up on the other tb boards anymore.
I'm really glad I went. Sometimes it's just good to up and get out and go away from the daily grind, even if it is for a sad circumstance.
There was a pretty good amount of people there, but I'm sure with it being on a Sunday afternoon made it difficult for alot of people that wanted to come from afar. I think it would have made charlie happy to know there was people from the forums that came from several states away to pay their respects.
It was kind of surreal to hear the minister mention the Buick boards during his sermon. I thought that was really neat though. The reverand, most likely not knowing charlie, obviously did some research on charlie and pointed out how much charlie was liked and his love for helping others all over the states that he never even met (like me). I remember Charlie's sister mentioning she looked at some of the turbobuick websites and I jokingly said that is alot of minutes of your life your not going to get back, lol! I was referencing to alot of the drivel that goes on (which I most certainly never contribute to )
Charlie's sister was a very nice person. Such a wonderful caring spirit about her. I have never met charlie, so I'm just going to remember him partially, through his sister, as I am sure he had the same kind of aura.
There was a slide show at the reception. Pictures of charlie throughout the years and even a couple with his 82 gn
I think charlie would have been happy to know there where turbobuicks in the parking lot. Along with some tech talk, etc. We talked about the boards at the reception, members, etc.. was good meeting pyro6, I had no idea he was from the north east. I make no secret about being a Steve Wood fan and asked if he was there. I can't remember who it was but I remember reply was "I don't think Steve ever leaves his compound", lol. (It would have been great to see you steve)
Listen, I straight up admit I get to be a emotional guy sometimes, I get it from my father, whom I love very much, so screw off! Lol. But I have to say this...and if it's out of line, then Mark can delete it.
With charlie seemingly very level headed in his post over the years..what could have made him decide to make his exit, like he did?
In my mind, with what very little info i have to go on...the whole drive down to Texas I had concluded that maybe some irreversible health issues had came about and maybe that was the cause. I was thinking that based upon what kristina (gngal) told me him being in such great amount of pain and walking with a Cain earlier this year when she met him on the power tour.
But, in addition, hearing a couple things amongst conversation from those that did know him fairly well,, and I can't remember enough to exactly quote them...but one that really stands out to me is "owed money to him, and money owed, along with many other things adding on". When I heard that, it rerouted my thoughts in a differant direction. Cause, I get it, I truly do.
10-15 years ago (and believe me, I'm not much any smarter now than I was then), but I would have a differant opinion about folks that chose that route. I choose to look from a more open mind now.
I've had a rough year. My best friend since Jr high was shot and killed a few months ago, along with a guy I went to school with (didn't know him that well). Things like this change a person.
I don't want to discuss or hear details about or surrounding Charlie's death, but Ive wrote this much because i want to make this point.
Driving back home that night a vision/dream/thought appeared in my head of that day charlie left us. It's almost like I can see God reaching down to charlie as charlie was reaching up and the Lord said "Charlie, I would have preferred you not have done that, but I know you, as no one else knows you, so welcome home".
Godspeed Charlie
I'm really glad I went. Sometimes it's just good to up and get out and go away from the daily grind, even if it is for a sad circumstance.
There was a pretty good amount of people there, but I'm sure with it being on a Sunday afternoon made it difficult for alot of people that wanted to come from afar. I think it would have made charlie happy to know there was people from the forums that came from several states away to pay their respects.
It was kind of surreal to hear the minister mention the Buick boards during his sermon. I thought that was really neat though. The reverand, most likely not knowing charlie, obviously did some research on charlie and pointed out how much charlie was liked and his love for helping others all over the states that he never even met (like me). I remember Charlie's sister mentioning she looked at some of the turbobuick websites and I jokingly said that is alot of minutes of your life your not going to get back, lol! I was referencing to alot of the drivel that goes on (which I most certainly never contribute to )
Charlie's sister was a very nice person. Such a wonderful caring spirit about her. I have never met charlie, so I'm just going to remember him partially, through his sister, as I am sure he had the same kind of aura.
There was a slide show at the reception. Pictures of charlie throughout the years and even a couple with his 82 gn
I think charlie would have been happy to know there where turbobuicks in the parking lot. Along with some tech talk, etc. We talked about the boards at the reception, members, etc.. was good meeting pyro6, I had no idea he was from the north east. I make no secret about being a Steve Wood fan and asked if he was there. I can't remember who it was but I remember reply was "I don't think Steve ever leaves his compound", lol. (It would have been great to see you steve)
Listen, I straight up admit I get to be a emotional guy sometimes, I get it from my father, whom I love very much, so screw off! Lol. But I have to say this...and if it's out of line, then Mark can delete it.
With charlie seemingly very level headed in his post over the years..what could have made him decide to make his exit, like he did?
In my mind, with what very little info i have to go on...the whole drive down to Texas I had concluded that maybe some irreversible health issues had came about and maybe that was the cause. I was thinking that based upon what kristina (gngal) told me him being in such great amount of pain and walking with a Cain earlier this year when she met him on the power tour.
But, in addition, hearing a couple things amongst conversation from those that did know him fairly well,, and I can't remember enough to exactly quote them...but one that really stands out to me is "owed money to him, and money owed, along with many other things adding on". When I heard that, it rerouted my thoughts in a differant direction. Cause, I get it, I truly do.
10-15 years ago (and believe me, I'm not much any smarter now than I was then), but I would have a differant opinion about folks that chose that route. I choose to look from a more open mind now.
I've had a rough year. My best friend since Jr high was shot and killed a few months ago, along with a guy I went to school with (didn't know him that well). Things like this change a person.
I don't want to discuss or hear details about or surrounding Charlie's death, but Ive wrote this much because i want to make this point.
Driving back home that night a vision/dream/thought appeared in my head of that day charlie left us. It's almost like I can see God reaching down to charlie as charlie was reaching up and the Lord said "Charlie, I would have preferred you not have done that, but I know you, as no one else knows you, so welcome home".
Godspeed Charlie