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Messages - NJTurbo

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IHADAV8 Playground / Re: What's this about?
« on: August 18 2005, 09:15:39 PM »
I will do both :snakeman:

Just make sure you come home for supper :yawinkle:

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: What's this about?
« on: August 18 2005, 12:50:41 PM »
It is all good me and Robert spoke. Now end the drama and meet me on T6P.Com :finga:

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: What's this about?
« on: August 18 2005, 11:55:07 AM »
Quote from: "Be4u @ Thu Aug 18, 2005 10:41 am"
Quote from: "NJTurbo @ Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:17 am"
The members that will not call or sit and hide behind a key board and spew venom IMO are useless.

You talking to me? :smt102

I called, left messege.

You went into voice mail, I am sitting with a pesky Ford Consultant. Your number did not come up, please pm me your number. I will call you at 6.00pm my time on the way home, I have a hour ride home from work, perfect time to speak :rock:

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: What's this about?
« on: August 18 2005, 11:17:29 AM »
Archie is my man and best customer. I love his car and think he is cool dude. He participates on T6P.Com and I am thankful to him for that :supz:

I if anything have learned you need to take ALL these boards at face value. It is just the Internet, I got my ass fired a few times by thinking someone was not worth anything. Then I met them face to face and had a beer, boy it changed my thinking :sad;

If I have a issue, I tell members to call me. I have spoken to a few guys and it changes the tune a little. The members that will not call or sit and hide behind a key board and spew venom IMO are useless.

If you got balls and got a issue, call, pm, e-mail etc and deal with it. If not shut up and line up :supz:

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: What's this about?
« on: August 17 2005, 10:37:28 PM »
They are message boards, the community is to small to have all this drama. Hang out talk cars and get along guys.  :supz:

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: What's this about?
« on: August 17 2005, 04:16:40 PM »
Go ahead Gary, Shoot! I wish you two would straighten this out, I'm soo tired of being torn between two people that I like. It's not easy for us

Gary this is what Robert typed. I guess it is just more fabricated Internet drama :snakeman:

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: What's this about?
« on: August 17 2005, 03:28:39 PM »
Travis, you never answered my question

What question?

Again I do not know Gary at all, I was always helpful to him on and never did anything directly to him on T6P.Com. So again if he has a issue, it is his Internet fantasy :finga:

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: What's this about?
« on: August 17 2005, 03:11:27 PM »
Go ahead Gary, Shoot! I wish you two would straighten this out, I'm soo tired of being torn between two people that I like. It's not easy for us.

I never thought Wells had a issue with me. I do not know him, never meet him, never spoke to him. So if he has drawn up a issue with me. It must be a on-line fabrication as the man does not know me. Some people will not like the moves I made at T6P.Com, sorry I cannot please everyone, but I do try. Spit it out and get your 10 minutes of fame over with it. I will answer anything you got......

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: The plot thickens...
« on: August 17 2005, 02:13:13 PM »
Quote from: "SuperSix @ Wed Aug 17, 2005 8:53 am"

I hate people that throw around the "slanderous" and "libel" labels, then threaten to get lawyers involved.

I still think he's an ass....

That is funny. Send me a PM I had some of my close friends order over $3000.00 in parts and had issues in your back yard. I have more respect than dragging vendors around on the boards like some. The only time I do it is if there phone is disconnected and they jumped town.

IHADAV8 Playground / Re: What's this about?
« on: August 17 2005, 01:59:24 PM »
Wow glad someone sent me the link, I almost missed the party.

Here I will answer the Internet drama one by one.

1) Wells the silent partner is my WIFE. Take it or leave it, unless you have a bank check proving otherwise, your stories are amusing. I smoked the thread and since told her to stay out of those types of threads.

2) BE4U I have no plans to take anything Buick related over, if anything maybe some Ford stuff as I get information from Ford months before it hits the Internet, nor will I ever be a big vendor(Never) Not Interested.... The Big Buck Buick money is gone and has been, I know of 4 vendors that are dropping off come Jan 2006. They are done.

3) We are not tied to, connected to, in any shape our form to TB.Com. I could care less what happens there, I talk Bruce maybe once a month but I had a different view on TB.Com and the moves. That is why I choose to leave, if not T6P I would have made another site. I got lucky to get a turn key thanks to DCEPTCN...

4) Banner we fly theres and they fly ours. FREE of charge.

5) Reaper was fired. I told Jay to do what he needed to do while I was gone and if reaper was a issue handle it. He handled it, I back it. I am a man of my word so bye,bye.

You missed us didn't you?

Do you mean miss you???

I just want to have clean fun and talk cars.

THey are MESSAGE BOARDS get over it

BINGO!!!!! :yawinkle:  :yawinkle:

I think some of it was reaction to what they thought was protecting the board, some was because I happen to be personal friends with some of them and the rest was I had asked them for help, I also have a life outside car message boards. They have been Buick racers and members for a long time, it seems now that they are helping they are no good. Not fair IMO.

I like Mike S but please do not start with he is not a vendor and has no moderation. You cannot say certain words on that site either, you also can view forum leaders here He does have people in places, not to mention some other people who have mod powers who we will remain nameless. If you are going to call it, call it guys.

The GSCA and any other vendor WILL never take over T6P, not as long as I am alive and own the site. I have NO affiliation with either and at this point, I am glad I left :psix;

I am not here for problems just want to set the record straight as I know and have helped most you on and know some of you....

Everything posted above by DCEPTCN is true, I was tired of all the politics of, if you only knew. I was going to do my own deal and then I was contacted, I have always felt that with event's, tent's. giveaways, parties etc I could do better.

I bought the site myself and have poured countless hours and time and money into it at a gain of nothing. I am not a big vendor, just a member like you guys to the core and a street racer at that.

I wanted a site that had good tech and kept some family values at heart. I also like to say fuck, shit,pussy and other words, after all I am human also. However you cannot attract good tech people and continue to say fuck,shit,pussy, most of the good Buick people are getting older and have no time for this more so in a public area.

I felt it was in the best interest not only for the board for my own morals(which I am entitled to) to remove a few key words and get rid of porn for countless reasons which I have already posted.  

Again i am human and like looking at girls no different than anyone else, however it was a eye sore for T6P.Com and many members and select vendors.

All these pie in the sky stories are not true at all, anyone that has meet me in person knows I Love to have fun, joke around and talk cars and smack. That is one of the main reasons why I left, I was getting tired of being told what I can and cannot do even when it came to taking phone calls at 2.30am because the board was down.

I had two big changes to make that I felt as a owner were in the best interest of the board, I did not do it with a dictator ship attitude. I gathered lots of data, over 100 PM'S and numerous late night phone calls with many,many people.

You guys owe me nothing and I understand that, I apologize if you feel the way it went down was wrong. However getting rid of something like that, that most (because we are men) like regardless of the way it was handled would have been wrong.

I have deleted ONE thread since I am there, mistake in some members eyes maybe. However I really did not like the things that were typed by family members of mine and the staff. I have that right. I have edited 2-3 post's since I am there and closed 1 thread, is that a crime, I think not.

All the SOT new threads are opened and un-touched and you guys can vent all you want if need be. I have done nothing but give my heart and soul to this community for 10 years, I worked the track at BG for 3 days in the heat and staged over 200 cars and got a sub lunch for free at 4.00pm, I love these cars, love the community and have made many many close friends through it.

Through the years I have seen Jason, Bruce, Jay and many others hammered, beaten on, slandered and abused for little or no reasons. I have NEVER hurt anyone financially and all the years on NEVER banned anyone. I was always in the middle trying to repair things between owner and member and always took late night phone calls to help people with there cars, because they were afraid to post in fear of looking like a asshole.

I am sure some of you will read this and say fuck you are on a soap box, you looser, you church ass-wipe and that is fine with me. Am I perfect NO, have we made a few mistakes along the way YOU BET we have.

I at this point just want to apologize in a open forum to some who feel that T6P.Com is not there home anymore. The old T6P.Com was NOT working, the site was slated to go away and be gone forever. I knew it would be lots of time, work, energy, ass kiss phone calls, etc. I stepped up and took it and it has consumed me since and I have very little time for anything else at this point.

All I ask if you have any love left for T6P.Com, give us a chance. I think we all are going through some growing pains. The big moves are done and I just want to talk about Turbo Powered cars and have clean fun. We have been able to pick up new PAYING sponsors, not give us something and we will give you a banner, more and more members daily. Maybe not the members you guys would like, however that is why I gave you guys your own space. Not to curb you, or isolate you. A area just for you to do as you wish, hell I am no better than any of you and would love to go to your place and go back and fourth, I need that also sometimes. These job/sites etc are a thankless job with little or no return and filled with aggravation daily.

Thank you for letting me post here and sorry so long guys :yawinkle:

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