IHADAV8.com - Turbo Buick Tech, and Nonsense
Tech Area => General Buick Tech => Topic started by: jkelley on January 01 2012, 06:39:39 PM
So I jumped into the GN to go for a spin I hit the light switch heard a "POP" I didnt have any dashlights went to checking and noticed no tailights...So I put it in park checked all the fuses and the TLP fuse was blown I noticed it required a 20 fuse but it had a 40 in it...So I changed it and once again I flipped the switch on the lights and "POP" again..So I went to the forum board read all the post Checked all grounds looked for worn wires bulbs all the wiring down the driver side to the trunk etc etc.....I pulled the the center console found the grey and black wire for the shift indicator light and someone beat me to it and discarded it already wire's and all except the plug coming from under the dash ...So Im lost any help be greatly appreciated ... :068: DAMN GREMLINS
should not have had parking lights either...
console light has nothing to do with that fuse
I was out messing with it earlier and just like you stated no parking lights neither :021: ...GRRRRRR
well, by unplugging the harness at the fuse block as I suggested, you will find out if the problem is in the front half, or the rear half=hopefully
Ok so I did what you advised me to to do.... I Unplugged both connectors on the left side of the fuse box ....I plugged in the 4 with the 7 unplugged and I turned the light switch & the fuse blew...Then I unplugged the 4 and plugged in the 7 connector turned the light switch on and it blew ...Then hoping for some miracle it was fixed I plugged the both connectors in & the fuse blew.... :068: (GREMLINS)
so that would suggest the problem is in the parking lights or the light switch, right? (or the wiring running to them)
I will start there tommorow stop off on the way home buy a new light switch ...If that doesnt work will start inspecting the wiring for the park lights and work my way to the the fuse box...Thanks again for your Help SW!
You got too much money...start by unplugging the connector to the parking lights...under the hood, drivers side front, I believe
Lol I wish...I just came in from tinkering with it more and found the previous owner has used wire nuts on the parking lights for some reason... "Shouldnt those be against the law by now"? (GRRRRR) ...I will start by unplugging the parking light connector tommorow..Befo re investing in a switch...
wire nuts? lol
try to follow the wiring harness back to the bulkhead connector and check for any more rigs
Yes wire nuts...I will follow it back and check for more rigged up wiring fix what I can ....Once I unwrapped all the black tape there are two wire nuts one on each side tied into the parking lights ...I will follow up if that corrects the problem
If it helps, the brown wire is the one carrying the power via the fuse and light switch...so that is the one to be looking at in the harness
I came across this wire while I was/still searching for a short...Can someone tell me what this is or its purpose?...It stick's out between my cluster and dash followed it and attaches to inside the cluster...Than ks!
Can you take a pic of the end? I can't tell what connector it is, doesn't look like a factory one.
This is Hard on a 6 3" 245LB 38 year old Fat man ...Im going to have to pull the driverside seat out to get under the dash....LOL
Have you tried replacing the headlight switch?
Here's the troubleshootin g PDF from the service manual. Starts at page 7, methinks
http://www.ihadav8.com/images/sec08-6.pdf (http://www.ihadav8.com/images/sec08-6.pdf)
No I have not tried replacing the light switch yet.I have unplugged just about everything under the dash to rule out the problem..Im going to try and make a jumper between the orange and brown wire tonight after work I have Been checking under the dash for bare wires shorts pinched wires etc etc about to go crosseyed lol ...I called to see if any of the parts stores in OKC had a switch they would have to order the switch ...Thanks for the PDF
Check the dash lamps circuits gray wires including the easy to break and short shift indicator light wire in the console area.
The tail lamps fuse feeds the dimmer switch and dash lamps 5A fuse.
Usually the larger tail lamps fuse blows first for some reason when a dash lamp wire is shorted, probably due to the dimmer rheostat.
There's nothing wrong with wire nuts if properly used especially if there's a nice lump of electrical tape on them. :p
If it isn't the console light check for aftermarket gauge lamps shorted wires where they were added to the factory gray wiring.
So after I got home tonight I grabbed several beers kissed the girlfriend told her I was headed out to the shop to work on the GN....She gave me that look :093: ,Even my English Bulldog (Porky) noticed the look and left with me "Smart Dog"....I went to looking over the car starting from the the front and I noticed hidden along the header panel was a wire bolted to a stud...I loosened it took my test light and touched it ot it and it was HOT..But the wire was black??...I notriced the Parking light had an wire but it was taped up and not connected to anything So I wired them together put a 20amp fuse into the fuse box hit the lights and "BAM!!"everything worked dashlights,tailights,parking lights...Guess the kid that owned it previously did some creative wiring....Rega rdless everything is working now except my driverside blinker which tommorow I can deal with and fix...I want to thank everyone that commented on my post and especially Steve Wood responding to my several several e-mails and walking me through it...Thanks again everyone Great Site!!!
Not sure what that was, but once you get your manual, you can trace it back and figure it out.
Glad it seems to be working again...hope you and Porky made it back into the house instead of spending the nite in the dog house.
That sounds like a legit ground wire that somehow has been crossed with power. I would not be surprised to find that you have some lights that are not working properly now that the fuse is not blowing...and since the problem showed up after you bought the car, it may have been brewing, but something went bad after you got it.
I would follow that wire back and try to find out where it is now getting power from. Might be a bad socket, or such.